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Poesie Beiträge

Hier stelle ich Gedichte oder andere poetische Schöpfungen, z.B. aus unseren Poem Circles vor – Ergebnisse unserer gemeinsamen inspirierten Arbeit …

Joining a Poem Circle

Unser Poem Circle in Bavorov/CZ

Here I am

Here I ama center point in the vast mostly-imperceivable universe, the only thing I have ever experienced being. Biologists tell me that all day long my body’s cells die. And most of my body is made of bacteria, which aren’t even me.And half of my cells are...

The responsible father

There is a little light in the dark -a light that carries on through time and space I feel the pain of separation and stillI am connected with you and I cry,because you do what needs to be done. The path ahead is full of terrors and dangersand still, you do not...

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